• Yoga, guru, practice, and resources
  • Autobiography of a Yogi recordings
  • Emmy’s Yoga Service
  • Patanjali’s 8 limbs of Yoga 

Yoga is a scientific (verified by trial and error) system of practice that rewards you with peace, great love, and self-realization, union with the divine. A guru dispels the darkness of ignorance and suffering. We all have friends like that, who shine a light of wisdom on our darkness and give us indispensable assistance. A real guru can help us through energetic attunement because of their union with the divine infinite and eternal. One can attune with guru by reading his words and practicing his teachings in all moments.  One can have many gurus! However, in our age of information, it’s important to dig one deep well instead of many shallow wells. Do not to be a collector of experiences, workshops, teachings, and philosophies. Be devoted to a path that resonates with you. 

If you haven’t already, you can read a digital copy of the Autobiography of a Yogi online here. Below, you can listen to me read the Autobiography. Yogananda founded the Self-Realization Fellowship and him and his organization compiled a series of lessons. You can sign up for Paramahansaji’s correspondence lessons here.   If you don’t have a meditation practice, or any knowledge about the metaphysical realities from an eastern perspective, this will prepare you with the technique, lifestyle, and explanations so you’re prepared to be initiated into the Kriya technique. What is the Kriya technique? You can read about Kriya Yoga here.  If you’d like to learn more yoga with me, whether through life coaching to transform your lifestyle from a bad karma generator to a good karma generator! I incorporate yoga into my life, my love, and my part-time work in childcare and eldercare. It is my contribution to world peace, which begins with each one us.


The Blissful Devotee and his Divine Romance


I Meet My Master Sri Yukteswar


Two Penniless Boys in Brindaban 


 Years in Masters Hermitage


The Sleepless Saint (Ram Gopal Muzumdar)


An Experience of Cosmic Consciousness


The Cauliflower Robbery


 Outwitting the Stars

Chapter 17

Sasi and the 3 Sapphires 

Chapter 18 & 19

 18. A mohammedan Wonder Worker

19. Master in Calcutta appears in Serampore

Ch. 20 & 21

20. We do not visit Kashmir

21. We do visit Kashmir

kali temple indakshineswar

Ch. 22 & 23

22. The Heart of a Stone Image

23. I receive my  University Degree

Learning Yoga

Yoga with Emmy

200 RYT training completed in 2013 with experience teaching in 2 gyms, 1 country club, and 2 schools as a Yoga instructor for people of all ages. 

Asana practice has personally helped with pain associated with arthritis and hypermobility.

Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self-Realization Fellowship in 2023 and initiated into Kriya Yoga in 2024.

A Personalized Experience

When we do hatha yoga together, whether in a class or in private, our flow will be personalized we will include postures, exercises, meditations, breath work, and contemplation. Our time together is co-creative! 

Sliding Scale Donations

Letting go of greed and hoarding is part of the community ethics of Yoga. Donations are gratefully accepted via payment methods below. There is no “minimum donation!” Karma, good will, and trade offerings are welcome. Generosity, kindness, and compassion are the creative expressions I aspire to.

“A yogi is greater than the ascetic, greater than the empiricist and greater than the fruitive worker. Therefore, O Arjuna, in all circumstances, be a yogi.”

–  Bhagavad Gita

Schedule & Locations

We can practice anywhere! A park, your living room, a studio. I have space to host in Lakewood, Colorado. Please register via the very simple form so we can be in communication.

8 Limbs of Yoga

Yoga comprises a comprehensive framework known as the Eight Limbs of Yoga, as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras, which you can listen to below a summary of the 8 limbs. This path encourages you to integrate all aspects of yoga into daily life through character and lifestyle, in order to attain a state of unity consciousness, union of body, mind and soul!


  1. Yama

 The Foundation of Ethical Living consists of five ethical principles:

Ahimsa (Non-Violence), centers around cultivating compassion and empathy. 

 Satya (Truthfulness) in our thoughts, words, and actions, promoting authenticity and transparency.

Asteya (Non-Stealing) of not just material possessions but also time, energy, and trust.

Brahmacharya (Moderation) including our desires, so we can redirect our energy towards spiritual growth.

Aparigraha (Non-Attachment) to material possessions, acknowledging that true happiness comes from within.

  1. Niyama

 Self-Discipline and Inner Exploration

 Saucha (Purity) emphasizes cleanliness, both externally and internally, purifying the body and mind.

Santosha (Contentment) with what we have, fostering inner peace and gratitude.

Tapas (Discipline) in our efforts to attain self-realization through daily practices such as meditation, asana, and right living.

Svadhyaya (Self-Study) of sacred texts and self-reflection, helping us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our connection to the divine.

Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender to a Higher Power) acknowledges that there are forces beyond our control.

  1. Asana

Physical Postures: the limb most commonly associated with yoga in the West, involves physical postures that promote flexibility, strength, and balance. While asanas have numerous physical benefits, they also prepare the body for meditation and spiritual practices.

  1. Pranayama

 Breath and life force control. By regulating the breath, we can influence our vital life force (prana), calm the mind, and increase our energy.

  1. Pratyahara 

Withdrawal of the SensesIt’s about detaching from external stimuli and becoming more aware of our inner world, a crucial step toward meditation.

  1. Dharana

concentration and single-pointed focus on an object through which we train the mind to become still and one-pointed.

  1. Dhyana

Meditation is concentrating on a divine quality, such as calm, peace, joy, vibration, sound, wisdom, and the divine. Regular meditation helps us achieve mental clarity, inner peace, and a heightened sense of awareness.

  1. Samadhi

The state of union with the divine or unity consciousness, which will naturally appear as we do the above practices. This state of bliss dissolves boundaries between the self and the universe. While it may seem elusive, the practice of the previous seven limbs paves the way for this transcendental experience, but the experience is not a goal. We cannot get carried away with our mental constructs of achieving this state. Samadhi is the beginning of our enlightening realizations of Self and the nature of reality.