futuristic and primitive permaculture village


is to make ‘blue-zone’ lifestyles an accessible norm for all, while regenerating the earth, producing goods and/or services for others, and purifying our souls through permaculture principles.


is to hold acreage in Land Trusts so the work we do today continues for generations to come,  providing stable housing, energy generation, water catchment, food security and general well-being and sovereignty. 


include collaboration, love and compassion, and growing our hearts through service and taking care of each other. We are solving global problems with local, personal solutions.

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Public Documents

A foundation takes many years to form. As of now we are simply a community initiative. If we invest the time to incorporate as a foundation, we must have articles of incorporation, bylaws, and a policy manual available publicly. Click below to access rough drafts of our public documents and vision. 

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Click “learn more” to review the problems of the world we hope to address, as well as more details regarding our mission, our goals, and useful information for you on your journey about the role of foundations, land trust, PMA’s, and co-operatives. You will also find ideas for a purpose-driven business to collaborate on if given the land and infrastructure. 

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Seize Your Moment

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Expect Amazing

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What is Permaculture?

While I have your attention, and you haven’t yet clicked on any of the above links, you must know what permaculture is, to understand the name “Permaland.”

Permaculture, a term coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the 1970s, derives from the words “permanent” and “agriculture” or “culture.” Permaculture  is a land management system that creates sustainable, self-sufficient human habitats that work with nature. It’s what many indigenous communities were doing, but now must be relearned and adopted by society at large in order for everyone to enjoy local, organic food.

  1. Permanent: The term “permanent” in permaculture refers to the goal of designing systems that are enduring and sustainable over the long term. Rather than relying on unsustainable practices that deplete resources and degrade the environment, permaculture seeks to establish resilient systems that can thrive indefinitely, providing for human needs while preserving natural ecosystems.
  2. Agriculture or Culture: The second part of the word “permaculture” can be interpreted in two ways: “agriculture” and “culture.” Originally, permaculture was conceived as a holistic approach to designing agricultural systems that mimic the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. However, over time, the concept of permaculture has expanded beyond agriculture to encompass all aspects of human culture, including architecture, energy systems, economics, and social organization. Thus, “culture” in permaculture reflects the broader goal of creating sustainable and regenerative human habitats that integrate ecological, social, and economic principles.

The tenets of permaculture are sustainability, self-sufficiency, and harmony with nature. It emphasizes the importance of managing landscapes by working with natural processes and patterns. The resulting systems are biodiverse, resilient and regenerative, and through our careful and insightful management, the landscape can meet human needs as well.

Thank you for your time and open mind!