What To Expect

We want to ensure that you are fully informed about both the potential positive and negative outcomes of participating in a 5-MeO-DMT ceremony. This powerful substance can lead to profound experiences, but it is crucial to approach it with awareness, respect, and responsibility. 
The potential positive outcomes of this ceremony are:
Ego Dissolution. You may experience a sense of merging with the universe, leading to feelings of oneness, interconnectedness, and profound spiritual insight.
Emotional Release. Deep-seated emotions and traumas can surface and be released, potentially leading to a sense of relief and emotional clarity.
Enhanced Self-Awareness. Insights into your life, behaviors, and relationships may emerge, helping you to better understand yourself and your motivations.
Increased Compassion. Many people report heightened feelings of empathy and compassion for themselves and others.
Spiritual Awakening. The experience may trigger a spiritual awakening or deepen your existing spiritual practices that will carry on into your life. 
Experiences to be forewarned about are as follows:
The intensity of the experience (of feeling like one is dying) can induce feelings of anxiety, panic, and fear, both during and after the ceremony. 
Physical Discomfort may arise with reactions such as nausea, vomiting, shaking, and sweating are possible during the ceremony. Please bring a change of clothes. 
Emotional Distress. Confronting deep emotions and traumas can be distressing and may require significant time and effort to process and integrate.
Psychological Disturbance. In some cases, individuals may experience prolonged psychological disturbances such as depression, paranoia, or confusion, which can last for weeks, months, or even longer. Oftentimes people don’t remember their DMT experience at all (white-out), and perhaps it’s a psychological defense mechanism.
Disrobing, loss of impulse control, and loss of motor control may happen during the experience. The facilitator’s main objective is to prevent you from doing harm to your body if you flail about, run towards something, or attempt to put your face into the earth. If a white-out/black-out event is coupled with a disrobing event, it may cause confusion as why they are suddenly naked and unable to remember what happened. Now that you’ve been informed, you may not be as surprised.
People with heart issues, a history of seizures, or psychological instability should not participate in the ceremony. 


After the initial experience, you might experience reactivations. This may be re-experiencing the booming stillness or the love-filled emptiness that is luminous reality. Your meditation practice may get deepened with reactivations, but it may happen at other times, too. High stress or emotional upheaval after the trip can make reactivations but they are also possible in every day life. It may be visual, emotional, or psychological. If you’re not prepared and ready for it, it may distress you!
The reasons for reactivations are multiple, including the possible intense psychological impacts the experience engenders, such as Ego Dissolution experiences which can leave lasting impressions that resurface. If any deep-seated emotional or psychological issues brought to the surface during the trip might not be fully processed. Furthermore, Psychedelics can temporarily or permanently alter brain chemistry and neural pathways.
This experience may forever transform you and your perspective and you cannot unsee what you have seen. 
Considerations and Responsibilities of the participant:
Make sure you have realistic hopes for your positive outcomes, reasonable expectations for how to handle the possible negative outcomes. Opinions on “setting intentions” vary, as we may not know consciously what we truly intend, and people tend to make ‘wish-lists’ of what they hope to achieve through this powerful experience. However, having a strong intention can also guide and shape your experience as a point of focus and meditation leading up to the event, and as a point of contemplation and reflection after the event. 
Leading up to the ceremony be peaceful in your work and social relationships in the week leading up to ceremony so your conscience doesn’t bring up anything recent and unresolved. 
Ensure you are not taking any medications (antihistamines, SSRI’s) or have health conditions (history of seizure, heart condition, or schizophrenia) that might contraindicate the use of 5-MeO-DMT.
Participate only in a safe, controlled setting with a trusted, qualified, and experienced facilitator who can provide immediate physical support if needed.


Like I said, you will never be able to go back from what you saw. Something will move in you. You may push it away and ignore any strong messages you’ve gotten, and that’s okay as part of your journey, too. But to “integrate” what you saw in your journey will require active habit and lifestyle modification, as well as a friend or group of friends with whom you can talk about your potential personal paradigm shift. Of course, having been blasted into a place that is beyond concepts, we are unable to really ever fully grasp it, though we can quickly find a peace in the intuitive knowing that we have gained through the experience. This aftercare and integration is where the majority of improvements in your life will happen.
You may feel like going into hermitage, and creating strong boundaries between the world and yourself. You may do so, but may it be pleasant and liberating and maintained in peacefulness until you feel like being part of the world again. Don’t be afraid to speak up, reach out, and seek support after the ceremony. Your preparation as you read this could include securing a relationship to a mental health professional or hiring an integration coach.
As a facilitator, we are not integration coaches. We are your friend and ally, certainly! However, because we have earthly jobs and householder responsibilities, we won’t be freely available for integration support. If you strongly feel that you feel called to any of our personalities for the sake of our empathetic and understanding ears, or our ideas, guidance and wisdom are helpful to you, you may reach out about receive formal integration coaching. 
You can get so much out of dedicated journaling time, daily meditation, and habit modification protocols. It is highly possible that following any ceremony containing DMT, you will naturally and/or intentionally make lifestyle changes. Maintaining or developing good sleep hygiene is incredibly important to support overall mental health, along with healthy nutrition and physical activity. Establishing social and vocational boundaries to maintain a peaceful life is also of utmost importance. Furthermore, using personal practices like yoga, deep breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques will help center you so you know what to think, say, or do next. Use the plethora of online and in-person resources that teach a comprehensive understanding of yoga, which is an ancient practice of ‘integration’ or union with the divine. 
You can read more about integration <– here, where I include a planner you can print off for tracking habits, reflecting backward, and looking forward. There are podcast links, book recommendations, and other tools that you may wish to explore. 

Thank You For Being.

Now you understand the potential risks and benefits, you can accept or decline them before embarking on this life-changing experience. Thank you for being everything you are. In all your self-perceived flaws, imperfections, and problems, you are a perfect emanation of nature and spirit. Thank you for your respect regarding these powerful plants, animals, and fungi, and for being willing to expand your consciousness through this divine tool found here on earth. Enjoy your experience of curiosity, revelation, and your play with the divine!