
Did you now that disclosure has happened, is happening, and will happen? It depends on how much you’ve been paying attention. This page is designed to guide you through what is known about “UFOs”, which was rebranded to UAPs, and now verified as Non-Human Intelligence. After you read this page, you’ll be up-to-date on the history and current state of disclosure, as well as some resources and relevant religious contexts. Things are definitely not what they seemed. If you need help making sense of this paradigm shift, we have further resources for you. Tell us your story!
Making Sense of an Experience
I started recording my experiences because I wanted to start noting when we see them, what we were thinking or doing at the time, and what patterns emerge from our encounters. By recording them, I was able to notice patterns that are relevant for my own sense-making. I value wisdom and intelligence, but I also value direct experience over belief. The phenomenon is real, but what it is remains unknown. I urge people to develop a balance of curiosity and skepticism, free from wishful thinking or dogmatic dismissal. Approach this with an open mind, a grain of salt, and a kind heart.
I am familiar with conspiracy theories and why people falsely attribute explanations to nefarious conspiracies, and I’m aware of the cognitive biases and distortions that make peoples psychology and sociology ripe for that kind of wrong thinking. When I first started going down this rabbit hole I studied up on how to practice my discernment. When I describe these events, people often default to mundane explanations.
✦ A drone? Too high. Too silent. No navigation lights.
✦ A satellite? I’ve tracked satellites before—these move in ways that satellites don’t.
✦ A weather balloon? These don’t flash, vanish, or respond to thoughts.
✦ A military craft? If top-secret military technology can telepathically communicate, disappear, and emit a feeling of peace and wisdom, then I’d like to have a word with whoever designed it.
Many of us have background knowledge of astronomy, aviation, or meteorology. We’ve cross-checked flight paths and compared sightings. Furthermore, some of the more mystical and subtle (and unprovable, yet anecdotally relevant) experiences such as their responsiveness to prayer, their apparent telepathy and dream communication, are too palpable to be dismissed. Maybe some of the videos I show you will help you understand what I mean.
My Personal Disclosure: Direct Experiences
On April 8, 2024, I saw my first orb. It was during the partial eclipse that went over much of the USA. I was in Colorado, watching the sky and hanging out with my boyfriend who had seen them multiple times in his life (hitchhiker effect!) On that day, he said a prayer to the sky, knowing I was hoping to see one and assuming they could hear, based on his previous experiences interacting with an orb on July 4th, 2019. Seconds later a white flashing marble seemingly rolled across the sky. Minutes later, we saw an orb come back towards our direction. It briefly disappeared and then we saw a light (presumably the same one) shoot up into the sky and disappear.
The next day, my partner sent me videos that Redditors had posted that looked exactly like it embedded below, and we kept seeing more and more videos.
I think my friends and I saw a UFO today during the eclipse.
byu/jmcolext inUFOs
On the compilation video shows what our sighting looked like similar to the Springfield, Missouri, 2021 video. The second video on the very right, in Vancouver, WA in 2023, the videographer had zoomed in very well and it looked like a white star spinning.
Since then, I have seen orbs frequently, usually at night or around dawn. I regularly see them in the sky as I have described them previously (disappearing, flashing, etc.) They could be mistaken or explained away by the logical mind as being satellites or high-altitude airplanes with lights visible, but the way they disappear, or stop, or change directions oftentimes (not always) differentiate them from the mundane explanations. I do my (Yogananda’s) energization exercises outside before dawn, and as I lazily snoozed despite my 5:50am alarm going off, a star shot across my mind’s eye and urged me to get up. Another time, after my energization outside my window, I offered a prayer to the east before my meditation, and a tiny star shot up from a tree top diagonally up and disappeared.
One fall night when we were hanging out in the eastern plains of Colorado, I was looking up at the sky and spotted one. It wasn’t doing anything unusual but I knew it was one, so I told my friend to come look. She saw the regular movement of the ‘star’ but then it glowed really bright before it disappeared. She was in hysterics!
In the summer of 2024, together with a friend, I saw a bouncing light near the ground by the creek in Boulder. It was floating and bouncing along. Therefore, I have seen them in multiple sizes and it seems that they get smaller when they are closer to use (so far, in my experience.) That same friend was our kriya acharya later on during this next encounter:
The following video from a Redditor will show three different clips in its original form, and then will show more focused views zoomed in, slowed down, and frame-by-frame.
On the day of our Kriya Yoga initiation on 9/22/2024, after 3 hours of a deep, guided kriya meditation, the three of us who hadn’t yet packed up and gone inside saw an organic UAP hovering in the sky. It looked like this:
It disappeared without a sound or movement. Soon after, we went to the front yard, closer to where it was, and instead of a dark object, I spotted another daytime star. It took our friend significant effort to locate the tiny daytime star in the sky. He couldn’t locate it, even though I was pointing directly at it. Then, after a minute of his effort, the star glowed very bright, and then he could see it. My partner and I could not only see the star easily and very clearky, but we could also see a subtle turqoise/rainbow light emanating from it. Another friend came outside, and two of them started discussing it’s rotation or its sparkle. My boyfriend got irritated at their incessant chatter, while I quieted my mind to connect with it. Then, my mind was streaming with wise thoughts and I felt indescribable loving peace and an awareness of everything going on around me.
When we saw the organic UAP and the daytime orb on the day of the initiation, our acharya told us to plan the “mystic garden party” to invite the orbs. 10/26/2024 I started our party with a guided Asana and Meditation from 1:08pm until around 4:20pm, at which time six people witnessed two orbs hovering above us, appearing at different heights and sizes. Two of us saw a small, low-flying orb zip by over the house rooftop. Later, another fast one flew past right above the trees, and was witnessed by another friend and me. These were bright, and unexplainable objects.
My son saw the two in the sky, and dismisses it as unimportant. I told him, “Fair enough. You don’t have to think they’re important, but I’m glad you saw them.”
January 2025: Partnership of Kriya Meditation and the Daylight Orb: After a particularly deep Kriya meditation session in the backyard, my partner and I experienced another incredible sighting. Shortly after we finished our practice, a bright white orb hovered in broad daylight before flying eastward. It was further confirmation that these sightings are closely linked to meditation, heightened consciousness, and prayer. I had been praying deeply for my partners chronic pain to go away. They did not (yet) grant this favor, but my prayer and my belief were sincere and strong.
These are my own observations, and I don’t expect you to believe me, but hopefully I have opened your mind to the possibility, which may be the first step to you having an experience of your own. Chris Bledsoe’s testimony is incredibly noteworthy, alongside his whole families, because his experiences mirror ours. They came out with it decades ago and had to go through a lot of criticism and bullying. Now finally they are being appreciated and respected. They are genuine, good people with a lot of witnesses and corroboration. “Disclosure will come from the people, not the government.” he says. So here I am, telling you!
Official and Anecdotal Disclosure:
There have always been anecdotal testimonies from people who have had experiences with mysterious phenomena, whether it be ghosts, jesus, angels, sasquatch, fairies, or abductions, of which Bledsoe has received countless stories from world-wide abductees that share similar narratives. Here are some anecdotes followed by some declassified documents followed by whistleblowers and also official government disclosure.
The Betty and Barney Hill story:
The Hill case is one of the most credible and extensively studied UFO abduction cases in history. Betty and Barney Hill were an interracial couple (uncommon at the time), who had no reason to seek attention but instead reported a chilling experience. They claimed that in 1961, while driving through New Hampshire, they were abducted by extraterrestrials. Under hypnosis, they both recalled being taken aboard a craft, medically examined, and shown a “star map”—later theorized to depict Zeta Reticuli, a star system unknown to the Hills but identified by astronomers years later. The case gained national attention, shaping modern UFO abduction narratives. Abduction cases are global and all share commonalities. Chris Bledsoe, whom I mentioned earlier for having parallel experiences to me (but deeper, more profound, and much more long-time established contact) receives countless stories from around the world from people with anecdotes of their experiences.
The Ariel School Incident (1994)
Perhaps one of the most compelling mass-witness encounters where over 60 schoolchildren in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, witnessed a UFO landing in broad daylight in 1994. Multiple students claimed to have seen small humanoid beings emerge from the craft, telepathically warning them about ecological destruction and humanity’s future. The event was extensively studied by Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John E. Mack, who concluded that the children were sincere and credible witnesses to an extraordinary event. Years later, these children—now adults—continue to stand by their accounts, adding further weight to its authenticity.
Disclosure Diaries Timeline includes comprehensive government-only disclosure moments. The person who put it together was simply curious, hasn’t experienced anything according, but through these whistleblower testimonies he has come to believe in this UAP reality.
The earliest whistleblower would include Bob Lazar who first revealed details about Area 51 and alien craft propulsion technology. The government tried to erase his academic and work history, but his credibility holds true today.
Disclosed through De-Classification
1952 Washington DC sightings and the 1951 Lubbock Texas Lights were the most famous examples that sparked interest in the public perception. A lot of the hesitancy from the government around disclosure has to do with ‘national security,’ and its true that spiritual orbs of light would pose no threat, therefore it is not a complete fabrication when they say this. However, it does not mean that it is irrelevant to spiritual seekers or general souls. Project Bluebook (1952-1969) investigated over 12,000 UFO sightings, with 700 remaining unexplained. Officially, they said there was no good evidence that came out of there, but perhaps what they say about why they shut it down was not true. Project Stargate and CIA Remote Viewing Programs were disclosed via declassified documents showing the government continued to study psychic abilities and perception. Pat Price has a notable remote viewing demonstration of accuracy and other declassified examples here. This declassified CIA document shows the psychoenergetic experimentation done for the purpose of remote viewing and also dips into the gateway experience, which was developed by the Monroe Institute which has a CIA Connection, having been studied for its meditation practices that promote out-of-body travel. The CIA used it for intelligence gathering.
Disclosure through Government Officials
In 2005, Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Minister of Defense, publicly claimed that governments were aware of extraterrestrials and engaged in covert operations related to them. He stated, “UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead.” Former Senator Mike Gravel stated in 2010 that “The White House has ignored the reality of UFOs.” He urged a full public disclosure of government knowledge about extraterrestrial encounters.
2018: The First Official Government Acknowledgment came via Commander David Fravor who reported the Tic Tac UFO incident, describing an object performing maneuvers beyond any known aircraft. He said the “Tic Tac”-shaped craft performing maneuvers beyond known technology. Video& CBS article. Navy footage of UAPs in 2019 (Details Here) moving at speeds and angles defying physics. And government archives of their UAP research are here.
In 2020, the Pentagon Confirms Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) releasing three videos of Navy encounters with unidentified aerial craft.
Senator Harry Reid was a key figure in pushing for UFO disclosure. He hinted at more hidden information multiple times before his passing in December 2021. Some of his most notable statements include a 2019 Interview with The New Yorker, where he stated that most of what has been uncovered about UFOs has not been disclosed to the public and that “the federal government all these years has covered up, put brake pads on everything, stopped it.” In a Vice interview in July 2020, he claimed that crash retrieval programs may exist when he said “I was told for decades that Lockheed had some of these retrieved materials. And I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff. They wouldn’t approve that. I don’t know what all the numbers are, all the names, but I do know that they hold a lot and they haven’t shared all of it yet.” In 2020 in a New York Times interview, Reid confirmed that evidence existed of materials retrieved from unidentified aerial craft, but that he was unable to get full access to the research. He said: “There’s more to this than has been revealed.” He was heavily involved in securing funding for AATIP, the secret Pentagon UFO research program. His Final Public Statement Before Death was in December 2021, Reid suggested that full disclosure has not yet happened and that the U.S. government has more information than they are letting on.
In January, 2025, NewsNation did a long interview with a helicopter pilot who corroborates the two separate hearings in 2024 Luis Elizondo and David Grusch’s senate testimony that the government has deeply studied psionic abilities, and that there have been crash retrieval programs (immaculate constellation) for many decades, and that they have ‘non-human biologics’. By the way, News Nation’s series “reality check” has an extensive catalogue of interviews with a diverse array of officials who are confirming that this is all real… You’d have hours of content there if this interests you. David Grusch’s testimony was about the missing and unaccounted for money that is going to military contractors. Both of the whistleblowers (Luis elizondo and david grusch) have been threatened with their lives and reputations, but perhaps this slow disclosure is giving us time to come to grips with it all and not retaliate for all the cover-ups. So much money and power have been gained from alien technology for violent purposes when it could have been used to liberate humanity from energy dependence and illnesses. Their experiments may also have been immoral, having used children with natural psionic abilities and put them under stressful conditions. That’s another reason for covering up their cover-ups, perhaps.
Disclosure through Word-Of-Mouth and Social Media
In December 2024 there have been Mass Sightings of Orbs, most reportedly in New Jersey, although the media reported the drones more heavily than the orbs, oftentimes referring to orbs as drones. The White House and DoD initially denied knowledge of these objects, then later issued contradictory statements, fueling confusion and doubt in their honesty and credibility. How could the White House and DoD not have known in December where the drones and orbs came from, but then say they were authorized by the FAA later in January and say that the drones and orbs are no more (citizens and the mayor of New Jersey says they are most definitely still there and have not stopped appearing). Starting in December 2024, Citizens flooded the reddit airwaves with wonky-acting tv, radio, and carlights. One video shows the military of Iran trying to shoot down the orb, and the orb disappearing (some say this is a flare used for training, but check out the video and tell me what you think… I have never seen a hovering flare, but I have seen orbs, and it looks like a big orb to me!) In December 2024, orbs were spotted across the planet and even in space, as reported by Russian astronauts. Airplane passengers recorded multiple orbs over the clouds. American drones engaged with the orbs in this video and falls to the ground, like a parent putting an unruly child in time out. Even local news media teams got some great footage revealing it to literally be a light-like plasmoid. Although skeptics say all sorts of things, like that these are airplanes on final approach, most likely there were even orbs hovering around the capitol.
Back during the Fukushima disaster in 2011, many orbs were caught on camera, and at the end they all merge into a single orb. The reports during the 2024 influx suggested they are hovering around nuclear warheads and data centers, as the A.I. boom has been happening. This connection is pure speculation and not based on my experience, but it seems relevant compared to the old reports of crop circle messages and their concern about nuclear capabilities. Shall we use the nuclear capability for war or peace? Our willpower and consciousness is central to this question and our evolution… or our self-destruction.
Why Is This Disruptive?
The primary reason it’s ultimately so disruptive is because our view on our consciousness is going to be shifted. Our whole self-perception of humanity’s origins will likely be re-written. This will be difficult for academics, much like it was difficult for the mainstream to accept that the earth revolves around the sun. The vast majority of humans at the time of this writing, dismiss psychic phenomena and ascribe to secular lifestyles. I have some inklings (or biases) that the orbs of light are spiritual in nature. Accepting that biblical accounts were literal and not metaphorical or imaginative is a huge paradigm shift for our materialistic anti-religious predominant culture.
From a military context, it’s understandable that some secrecy would prevail due to ‘national security’ concerns. However, a few companies and wealthy families own large portions of media and corporations, (proof: link to harvard research pdf) making it easy to suppress or control narratives in favor of the existing power structure of access to technology, energy systems, psionic abilities, studies in consciousness (and technology related to it) and wealth.
The gap between media sensationalism and grounded eyewitness accounts creates confusion, polarizing public opinion between belief and skepticism. Media narratives undermine serious investigations, perpetuating mistrust in institutions and trivializing legitimate research. On this page I have tried to amplify credible testimonies, and I urge you to critique sensationalism if this were to ever reveal itself in the news. Moving beyond the simplistic “alien invasion” narrative that many muggles immediately turn to, it’s important to have meaningful dialogue on anomalous phenomena. Serge Monaste posited a speculative theory he called “Project Bluebeam” wherein shadow government could stage an alien invasion to create a world order through the chaos and fear that the fake alien invasion engendered. They would use advanced holographic technology (or replicated spacecraft) along with religious imagery or other phenomenon to spark that panic that allows the population to be controlled. It’s important to know of this theory, because if it were to happen, we would be less controllable. It’s important to not fear death, in order to not be controlled, whether it be by doctors, lawyers, politicians, celebrities, or law enforcement officers.
Spiritual Relevance
Let’s start with the most modern scientific understanding of light, quantum physics and energy studies:
- Quantum Energy Fields: Everything in the universe is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Light itself is both a particle and a wave, meaning that it can carry information and transform based on its interaction with other fields.
- Photon Emissions: Some scientific studies have shown that human bodies emit small amounts of light (biophotons), which may increase during states of heightened consciousness, meditation, or altered states of awareness.
- Nonlocality and Consciousness: Just as light can exist in a state of quantum superposition, consciousness is theorized to be nonlocal—meaning it is not bound by time and space. As you raise your consciousness, your connection to higher dimensions and light becomes more evident, allowing for the possibility of transformation into a lightbody.
Science struggles with studying paranormal phenomena, including UAPs and orbs of light, due to challenges that go beyond traditional methods of empirical research. The replicability problem—a cornerstone of the scientific method—makes it difficult to validate phenomena that do not reliably repeat under controlled conditions. Additionally, consciousness itself becomes a variable, introducing complexities that standard scientific paradigms often overlook. In paranormal encounters, observer effects play a pivotal role, where the act of observation, or the qualities of the observer, seem to influence the manifestation of phenomena.
Expanding our paradigm begins by acknowledging that these phenomena might not fit within materialist frameworks. For instance, orbs of light and other high-strange events often occur in liminal spaces—moments of transition or uncertainty, such as during personal crises or societal upheavals. They also appear to interact differently with individuals, suggesting factors like biology, spiritual advancement, or emotional states might influence their presence. This implies that these experiences may require methodologies that incorporate subjective, participatory, and consciousness-based approaches.
To embrace this expanded understanding, we must integrate interdisciplinary tools from quantum physics, neuroscience, and even metaphysical frameworks. Accepting that UAPs and related phenomena often resist reproducibility doesn’t invalidate their existence but instead challenges us to evolve our methods of study. Approaching these encounters with openness, creativity, and a willingness to explore consciousness as central to reality can help bridge the gap. By doing so, we not only enhance our capacity to understand the phenomena but also deepen our insight into the nature of reality itself and our role within it.
In order to normalize this new reality and explore ways of experimenting, link to community spaces familiar with UAP and related phenomena. Every area in the world has a CE-5 group, although group coherence may be difficult to establish with a group of strangers, so proceed with caution. The Gateway Experience and other repeatable protocols like Kriya Yoga would also help you have an experience of your own. The best evidence would be for you to have an experience of your own.
Near Death Experiencers
The rise in reports of near-death experiences (NDEs) is closely associated with advancements in medical interventions like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation techniques, which have significantly improved survival rates for individuals experiencing cardiac arrest. In the 1960s, the development of these emergency medical procedures allowed for more effective revival of patients who were clinically dead for short periods, enabling them to share their experiences of consciousness during that time. Researchers like Dr. Raymond Moody published his book Life After Life in 1975. Now you can watch many testimonials online of amazing experiences, which I most certainly have enjoyed hearing, and I encourage you to do the same. Near-death experiencers (NDEs) often report encounters with beings of light that exude a sense of love and protection, and they are often referred to as guardian angels and spiritual guides. They often remember speaking without speaking. Similarly, orbs of light often show signs of intelligence, psychic conversation, and an extra-dimensionality that evokes awe and reverence. The parallel descriptions of their impact on emotional states, and the profound sense of unity or enlightenment felt during encounters show me that the orbs may represent manifestations of angelic beings or higher consciousness.
In Buddhism
The Tibetan Buddhist tradition, especially through Dzogchen, describes the rainbow body as the ultimate realization of the practitioner. When someone achieves enlightenment, they dissolve their physical body into light, often leaving behind only hair and nails. The rainbow refers to the five-colored lights representing the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) being dissolved back into the primordial light of the universe.
The transformation to the rainbow body occurs after intense meditation and dissolution of ego-identity, where the practitioner’s consciousness fully merges with the clear light of awareness.
Light in Spirituality
Light is often associated with higher consciousness, purity, divine presence, and cosmic energy. In many mystical traditions, light is considered both a physical phenomenon and a representation of spiritual illumination, wisdom, and divine communication. Light is a carrier of information—just as photons carry data in fiber-optic cables, spiritual light is believed to carry higher knowledge and insights.
In the context of orbs seen in the sky, these are sometimes described as luminous beings or light entities, symbolizing consciousness beyond the material world. They appear to glow or pulse, suggesting that they could be communicating in non-verbal, non-physical ways—sending data or interacting with our psychic or spiritual selves.
In Gayle Beatty’s account of a 2014 Bigfoot encounter in the Hudson Valley, she describes an unusual occurrence after observing what she believed to be Sasquatch-like creatures: “Then everything went silent, and a blue light shot up into the sky.” Therefore, some theories propose that Sasquatch may have interdimensional capabilities. Perhaps the fairies and the sasquatch are capable of attaining light-body and use it as a way to travel or communicate. Who knows? Not i!
In Christianity
When I first saw the Orb, I was studying the bible with a very lovely Jehovah’s witness on a weekly basis. I told her about my experience, assuming the orbs are spiritual beings and not military craft. She cautioned me, saying “Satan is a deceiver who is described as having the ability to appear as a being of light in 2 Corinthians 11:14, where he masquerades as an angel of light.” Satan is traditionally viewed as a fallen angel, pulling us away from God. In Isaiah 14:12-15, “Lucifer” is referred to, and the name even means “light-bearer”. He is cast down from heaven due to pride. So with stories like this, it’s natural to be afraid of light in the sky!
Seraphim are angelic beings known that have six wings and are described in Isaiah 6:1-7 as surrounding God’s throne, calling out “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty.” They symbolize purity and are involved in cleansing the prophet Isaiah by touching a coal to his lips. Because of the zoomed-in footage from Vancouver, WA that showed a six-pointed star rotating, “seraphim” is my favorite bookmark explanation story. There are many stories from UFOlogists that show that the orbs are concerned with our being overly violent and technologied, and they do not want us to use nuclear technology. I pray they are here to help us preserve the earth and evolve to a higher consciousness of unity and peace.
Cherubim are guardians of holy places and represent divine presence and knowledge. They are depicted as powerful beings with multiple wings and sometimes multiple faces. They first appear in Genesis 3:24, guarding the entrance to the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve’s expulsion. They also appear in Ezekiel 10 and are featured in the design of the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:18-22).
The Shroud of Turin, a centuries-old piece of linen believed by some to bear the image of Jesus Christ’s face, also points to a possible manifestation of lightbody. The image on the shroud has been the subject of extensive research and debate. Some argue that the image might be a miraculous imprint from Jesus’ body after his crucifixion, while others speculate that it could be the result of a natural or artificial process. In a documentary examining the Shroud, a compelling case is made for Jesus having achieved a lightbody—transcending the material plane after his death, an event tied to the idea of spiritual ascension and transformation of the body into light.
The catholic church most certainly knows about this. They even have an orb in the vatican (pictured left). They even have St. Peters sphere on the top of the vatican, and other spheres that have fallen off through the ages. They even have a pine cone as a piece of art in their gardens, which we think is linked to the pineal gland, the gateway to the kosmos through the medulla oblongata. “Behold, the kingdom of heaven is within you!” I’m not sure exactly why the Catholic religion shrouds their teachings in mystery and why so many Catholics are immoral people traumatizing children through the years such as the crusades, the inquisition, the witch hunts, colonialism, sexual abuse, opposition to scientific advancement, and suppression of dissent via persecution, excommunication, and violence.
I will keep Biblical Perspectives in a separate page, for more parallels in the bible to light beings.
in “Hinduism”
I put “hinduism” in quotes because the Persians simply named “hinduism” because of the populations proximity to the Indus River. Many prefer the term “Sanatana Dharma” (“eternal truth/order”) as a more politically and spiritually correct term because it emphasizes the timeless, universal principles of this path that transcends geographical or cultural limitations.
The Vedas are the oldest and most authoritative texts of Hinduism, considered to be divinely revealed knowledge (Shruti). They were composed in ancient India over 3,000 years ago and passed down orally before being written down at that time. The view of reality presented here is that consciousness and light are not separate from existence but are its very foundation. (If you’ve ever experienced DMT, you may have seen this yourself as you came back and material reality recrystallized from light into form).
What we perceive as the material world—forms, objects, time, and space—are expressions of Maya (illusion), a veil that obscures the underlying truth: that all is Brahman—the infinite, formless, and eternal reality. The Atman (the individual soul) is not separate from Brahman. Our consciousness is the same as the essence of all that exists. Nothing exists outside of the mind. Look up at the sky, and imagine it is the inside of your mind. Think of your past and future, your values, your relationships, it is also in your mind.
What we perceive as separation between ourselves and the world, between objects and time, is a dream in which Brahman, through our eyes, dreams of a fragmented reality. The ultimate waking state, Turiya, iis a state of pure consciousness with”neither inward nor outward consciousness… it is undifferentiated, beyond the senses, incomprehensible, unthinkable, and indescribable. It is pure consciousness, the Self.”
This changes my idea that “we are made in the image of god” meant we are bad xerox photocopies of God, but instead that we are being imagined by God. Mundaka Upanishad (2.2.10), “In the highest golden sheath is Brahman, stainless, indivisible, and pure. That is the light of lights.” Light is the all-pervading consciousness that permeates everything in the universe, manifesting as both the subtle and the gross. We don’t see light, but we only see that which the light illuminates. The Upanishads consistently describe liberation (moksha) as the dissolution of the individual ego into the vast ocean of Brahman, where the individual awakens to the fact that they were never truly separate. We are not bound by the body, by time, or by physical limitations. Time itself is part of Maya, an illusion that arises when consciousness is filtered through the limited human experience of mind and senses. But when the mind becomes still, the ego purified, and when the illusion of separation dissolves, one realizes that all forms, events, and ideas are complex projections of consciousness: Brahman playing out its own existence.
In this view, to “become light” is not just metaphor, but a deeper spiritual truth. The possibility of transforming oneself into light—or realizing that we are already light—becomes a reality for those who aspire to reach the highest states of consciousness. In the siddhi (spiritual powers) traditions of the Vedic teachings, highly advanced practitioners possess supernatural abilities that transcend the physical world, such as levitation, omniscience, and the ability to appear or disappear at will. These abilities stem from the understanding that matter and energy are simply expressions of consciousness. The highest yogis (listen to stories at my page on Yoga) dissolve their physical form into light or to exist in a state where they no longer experience separation between the physical and spiritual realms. Yogananda (linked above), implores us that these truths are meant to be experienced directly. And when experienced, the distinction between metaphor and reality dissolves, leaving only the boundless, radiant light of consciousness. Perhaps the orbs are related to this!
Transform into a Lightbody
Kundalini and Kriya Yoga processes are similar to the rainbow body phenomenon documented in Tibetan and Chinese traditions, where through intense spiritual practice, individuals transform their bodies into light, leaving little or no physical trace. The rainbow body, seen as the ultimate expression of spiritual attainment, shows a direct connection between mastering spiritual energy and transcending the physical form. These occurrences have been reported in ancient texts and documented cases, though they are extremely rare.For me, it is so incredibly paradigm-shifting. Paramahansa Yogananda never explicitly referred to this process as kundalini awakening, instead speaking of it in terms of prana, lifetrons, and the energy of the soul. Yogananda emphasized that the ultimate purpose of life is God-realization, which he often referred to as self-realization. While the ego may love the concept of “self,” Yogananda reminds us that this “self” is not the ego but a deeper, divine essence. He teaches that we should cry out for God, persistently yearning for the Divine until we experience the presence of God directly. In his lessons on meditation he says to not become distracted by light. Did he mean lights in the sky, too?
Through this relentless pursuit, the practitioner may receive many gifts, as a mother bestows them upon her child, yet Yogananda urges that these gifts—whether siddhis or spiritual experiences—are not the final goal. The true aim is God, and it is only through the dissolution of the ego and the deepening of devotion that we come to realize the fullness of this divine union.
Kundalini Yoga andKriya Yoga are both potent spiritual practices, yet they differ significantly in their methods and objectives. Kundalini Yoga is an active, dynamic practice that integrates physical postures, breathwork, chanting, and meditation to awaken the dormant kundalini energy at the base of the spine. Its goal is to raise this energy through the chakras, facilitating spiritual enlightenment, emotional healing, and heightened awareness. Kriya Yoga, in contrast, is a more inward-focused practice that primarily utilizes specific breath control techniques (kriyas) to regulate the flow of prana, or life force. The emphasis is on purifying the mind and body to reach profound inner stillness and self-realization. While Kundalini Yoga emphasizes energy movement and the chakra system through active physical practices, Kriya Yoga aims to accelerate spiritual evolution through silent, focused meditation, merging the practitioner’s consciousness with the Divine.
In both practices, as energy circulates through the body, you are lead to higher states of consciousness and the eventual manifestation of the lightbody.
- Daily, ever deepening meditation, through Kriya Yoga. Focus on breath and light, drawing prana from the divine source, and merging your consciousness with it.
- Through kundalini practices, you can begin to activate the energy centers (chakras) that align the body with higher frequencies, preparing the body to hold more light and less dense matter.
- Practicing compassion, love, and non-attachment helps to dissolve the ego, which is tied to the gross body. The more you transcend material desires and ego-identification, the closer you come to embodying light.
- Detoxification through diet, fasting, and ethical living purifies the gross body, making it more permeable to subtle energy. The mind, too, must be free from negativity, grounded in a higher spiritual purpose.
- Practicing conscious connection with the energy of the sun, moon, and stars helps in attuning your body to cosmic light. This is reflected in ancient practices of sun-gazing or moon meditation. This was my first introduction to mystical insights. As a child I would gaze at the moon and feel a subtle power coming from it. I suppressed it as just being my imagination, and I became a worldly person for a long time! Now I’m off the deep end (to some, but on the right track to others!)
In essence, the lightbody or rainbow body is a result of intense spiritual transformation, where light and energy replace physical matter. The orbs and cosmic phenomena are symbols and perhaps even guides, reflecting the interconnectedness of the universe, consciousness, and light itself.
Tools, Spirituality, and Cultivating Intuition & Discernment
If you wish to start documenting your experiences, enigma labs is a good resource to share your UAP experiences and see others. However, please learn to recognize common misinterpretations (e.g., drones, satellites, mylar balloons, blimps, etc). Reddit forums can be a blackhole of confusion, so take whatever you hear there with a grain of salt. Do learn to trust your senses, too, especially your sixth sense! Focus on your own perception and use tools such as CE-5 or another Human initiated contact experience (HICE) to make contact again, taking care to be peaceful and loving so as to only connect with peaceful and loving beings!
The Gateway Experience by the Monroe Institute is a series of meditative practices designed to help participants expand their awareness, enhance relaxation and concentration, explore altered states of consciousness, potentially experience out-of-body states (OBEs), and to connect with higher aspects of themselves or universal intelligence. Hemi-Sync® (short for hemispheric synchronization) is central to the Gateway program. This audio technology uses binaural beats to synchronize the brain’s left and right hemispheres and facilitates states of focus, relaxation, and concentration conducive to meditation, healing, and exploration. Progressing through structured “Waves,” participants learn techniques like Resonant Tuning (harmonizing body and mind through sound), the Energy Balloon (creating a protective energy field), and accessing Focus Levels—distinct states of consciousness such as Focus 10 (“mind awake, body asleep”) and Focus 21 (exploring non-physical dimensions).
A declassified CIA report on the Gateway Process confirms its ability to induce altered states where the mind transcends time-space constraints, providing access to non-physical realms and higher consciousness. This makes the program invaluable for UAP experiencers by easing the paradigm shift that comes with high-strange events. As participants deepen their practice, they release attachment to the physical body, explore their multidimensional nature, and develop a profound sense of connection to the greater cosmic reality. The Gateway Experience facilitates this transition, helping experiencers navigate the unknown with clarity, balance, and curiosity.
Kriya Yoga is taught by Paramahansa Yogananda’s self-realization fellowship, as well as other vetted and authorized teachers from Babaji and Lahiri Mahasaya’s lineage. Here are links to learn more about Yoga or Kriya Yoga.
Enhance intuition and self-trust through practices like meditation and prayer. Stillness can be your armor. Find clarity from within in a chaotic external world. I had never read the bible until I witnessed anomalous aerial phenomena. There are a few good tips for how to practice discernment in the first-ever published book, the bible! If you download the app available via JW.org you could search the bible for different topics. I don’t recommend interpreting it like the Jehovah’s witnesses do, because it seems to be physically oriented, rather than interdimensionally oriented. I do appreciate their resource, translations, and cross-referencing are incredibly thorough. However, there are many wisdom teachers outside of the bible, it’s just good to cross-reference so we don’t get duped!
1 John 4:1-3: Test every spirit to see if it is from God.
There are close to NO personal practices taught in the bible. It seems to just be historic explanations and good advice from Jesus. The practical lessons given by the Self-Realization Fellowship and the experimentation of meditation that I can testify for, I trust Paramahansa Yogananda, and urge you to get on the path to Kriya Yoga!
Stumbling Block: The Ego
As your spiritual power grows, the irony is that the ego becomes even more pronounced, and you must fight harder to keep it in check. This is probably a large reason that lineages kept these practices secret, as not to give tools for power to those who have bad morals. By giving them the technique for attaining such great power, they can cause much more destruction (like the catholic church has, perhaps? Of course, this is not to say that individual catholics are to blame. There is a lot of charity and service going on within the communities of catholics as well, and mystics and saints from the religion are very respectable, such as St. Francis and St. Therese of Avila!)
The more your frequency rises, and your siddhis or paradigm-shifting experiences unfold, the greater the temptation to share them for validation, recognition, or pride. This is a natural tendency, but it’s crucial to remember that the goal of spiritual practice is not to accumulate powers or experiences but to transcend the ego itself. “WAIT” Why-Am-I-Talking, is a great filter for checking whether something should be spoken out loud, making sure that words are used for wisdom, love, peace, and joy.
The more spiritually advanced you become, the more the ego will disguise itself as humility or selfless service, masking its attachment to the “spiritual journey.” These are the tests: the higher you rise, the more your ego will attempt to latch on to these new heights as a source of pride. It’s almost as if the universe is challenging you to prove what you’re really made of.
To keep the ego in check, focus on silence and contemplation rather than external expression. Remember that sharing your progress with others should come from a place of love and service, not self-glorification. Practice humility by seeing each experience as temporary and a stepping stone, not a final destination. Keep your feet firmly grounded through regular meditation, pranayama, and physical practice, and stay detached from the highs and lows of your journey. Finally, seek guidance from a teacher to ensure that your experiences don’t become distractions but catalysts for deeper self-realization.
In the end, the more spiritually powerful you become, the more vigilant you must be against the ego’s stronghold. These very challenges may be the ultimate test of your sincerity and resolve, helping you discern whether you are truly advancing on the path or simply becoming more attached to the illusions of spiritual power.