
गञ्जा आसन

The Sacred History of Ganja

Ganja has a long and storied history as a spiritual sacrament, particularly in Indian culture. Sadhus, the holy men of India, have used ganja for centuries to deepen their meditation and connect with the divine. The word “ganja” itself comes from Sanskrit (गञ्जा), and its use in spiritual practices dates back to ancient times. Figures like Naropa and Tilopa, who were influential in the development of Tibetan Buddhism have used cannabis to enhance their spiritual experiences.

Hashish, a concentrated form of cannabis, has also been used historically in various cultures for its spiritual and meditative properties. In many traditions, it’s seen as a sacred tool to elevate the mind and soul, helping practitioners achieve a deeper state of consciousness.

Ganja and Yoga

At Ganjāsana, we integrate the positive effects of ganja into our yoga practice. Cannabis promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety in the right set-and-setting, and enhances sensory perception—qualities that can deepen your yoga practice. This enhanced perception may be incredibly profound depending on your yogic capacities!

Ganja can help practitioners enter a meditative state more easily, relaxing and deepening the breath, getting more in touch with the subtle energies moving throughout the body, and a connection to the Self.

This heightened state of awareness can lead to profound insights and a deeper connection to both the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga.

 Collaborating Teachers

Raul, owner of Mystic Head Shop, will be leading the workshop on concentrates. His knowledge is amplified by his sources to top quality concentrates!

Ryan is an experienced cannabis cultivator as well as a mycologist, and general horticulturist. In addition, his inherent mysticism and lifelong contemplative nature makes him a beacon for wisdom. his knowledge of ancient scriptures and perspectives can guide any seeker into auspicious revelations around mysticism.

Emmy, a certified yoga instructor, sound healing facilitator, and dedicated yogi on the path of self-realization, will guide us in Asana and meditation.

Rasmoses is a longtime Rastafarian and led to the path of Kriya Yoga through emperor Haile Selassie. With history, context, philosophy, and sacramental offerings of the chalice, he leads a powerful prayer, enchanting chanting, and Jah praise!

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Ganja Concentrates Education:

Before joining our Ganjāsana gatherings, you may wish to attend a brief informational session focused on how to safely consume cannabis concentrates. 

We’ll cover:

  • Types of Concentrates such as oils, waxes, and shatters.
  • Methods of Consumption including vaporizers, dab rigs, and more.
  • Dosing cannabis concentrates for optimal effect, especially in a yoga and meditative setting.

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गञ्जा आसन

Ganja: गञ्जा

Asana: आसन

This picture depicts Tilopa and Naropa sharing hashish, a moment that reflects the deeper mystical practices of the Kagyu lineage of the Vajrayana tradition. Tilopa and Naropa taught direct experiential realization and the transformative power of meditation to attain liberation. Cannabis served as a catalyst for transcending mental barriers and gaining direct insight into the nature of mind. Mystical states—whether induced by substances or through intense yogic practices—are pathways to awakening. The Kagyu tradition also includes methods such as mahamudra and dzogchen, which focus on the nature of mind and the liberation that comes from recognizing the true essence of reality, often beyond the constraints of ordinary perception. Join us at Kriya House in discourse for explorations and discourse on such methods!

गञ्जा आसन


Gathering by the Power of Jah and Shiva

We invite you to deepen your connection with the higher realms of consciousness, exploring both body and mind in the presence of ganja as a spiritual vehicle. 

Lord Shiva is a god of paradox—he is both the creator and the destroyer, the ascetic and the ecstatic. Shiva’s association with cannabis is legendary; he is often depicted with a chillum (a traditional smoking pipe), and it is believed that he consumed ganja to help him reach higher states of consciousness and deepen his meditative practices. Shiva is known as the “Lord of Yogis,” and his deep connection to ganja symbolizes the herb’s potential to help transcend the physical world and awaken spiritual awareness.

Through the practice of Asana, we invite participants to open their hearts, release tension, and surrender to the flow of energy, allowing the cannabis to serve as a sacred guide into higher states of consciousness. With every breath, every movement, and every puff, we elevate our vibration, inviting a deeper connection to the divine, the self, and the collective energy of the universe.

The Sacredness of Cannabis

Rastafari is a world-wide Ethiopian indigenous spirituality and a revolutionary movement. In Rastafari, “Jah” refers to the Creator, a living presence that resides within and all around us. For Rastafarians, cannabis is regarded as a holy sacramental prayer and healing tool, an aid in spiritual rituals and meditations, a conduit for divine wisdom, and a means of elevating one’s consciousness. With origins from sadhus of India and its roots in Jamaica, Rastafi disciples takes their name from King Ras Tafari and the holy Christ Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie the First. Just as Shiva used ganja for spiritual growth, Rastafarians have long embraced cannabis as a means to access the higher truth of Jah and to promote unity, peace, and understanding among all people.

In this GanJAHsana practice, we honor both Shiva and Jah, bringing together the power of the sacred herb, the wisdom of yoga, and the transformative energy of the divine to guide us on a journey of spiritual awakening and inner peace.


Join Us in Sacred Practice

Ganjāsana is more than just a yoga class—it’s a community gathered for truth, a satsang. We explore the transformative potential of combining ganja with asana, music, meditation, and wisdom circles.

Ganja is sacred and used in rituals, meditation, and medicinal practices. Shiva is often depicted as a yogi who uses cannabis, The Vedas refer to cannabis as a joy-giver. Come experience how ganja can aid us to expand consciousness and understand deeper spiritual truths. 

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The 8 limbs

Aside from Asana practice, we must incorporate all aspects of Yoga in order to have a holistic practice that will lead to the union we seek. The western mindset of materialism and capitalism has skewed the original teachings of Patanjali’s 8 limbs of yoga, which were passed down verbally for millennia before they were published in a short book. 

Click the button below if you’d like to learn about Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography, which takes you on a journey meant to inspire you to practice Kriya Yoga! Our satsang is a dedicated group of Kriya Yogi’s encouraging each other along the way. All sincere seekers are welcome. 

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