1/18/2025, 4pm  ~  ∞

🌐Technology and Our Evolution 🌐

How is Technology Assisting Us in Our Personal and Collective Evolution?

Join us for an inspiring and thought-provoking event exploring the role of technology in shaping our spiritual and collective growth. Our presenters will delve into how tools of control can be transformed into pathways for personal empowerment and collective evolution.


See you there!

1680 S Estes St, Lakewood, Colorado.

The presentations will be livestreamed, so you don’t have to worry about missing out on the knowledge gleaned! Space is limited!


For those with allergies, please be aware that furry four-legged friends live on the premises. 



🕒 Schedule of Events

4:00 PMGathering & Appetizers
Arrive, connect, and enjoy light appetizers as we settle in.

5:00 PMPotluck Dinner & First Presentation

Presenter: Javi Adventer

Topic: AI Applications for the New Earth
Grab your plates and take a seat for Xavi’s enlightening talk on how artificial intelligence can assist in creating a more harmonious and conscious future.

6:00 PMIntermission with Live Music
Enjoy uplifting live music by open mic jammers and good conversation!

6:30 PMSecond Presentation

Presenter: Ryan Quick

Topic: Reclaiming Technology for Spiritual and Collective Evolution
Hear Ryan’s powerful story on how technology, often used for control, can be reclaimed and repurposed to foster our spiritual growth and collective awakening.

7:30 PMMore Live Music & Celebration!
Let’s enjoy good company, music, dance, and the joy of community.

🎉 What to Bring

Vegetarian Dish for the Potluck (or a donation/trade offering)

An Open Mind and Heart

Instrument(s) if you feel like jamming!



Our Mission

Kriya House is rooted in practicing the teachings of Mahavatar Babaji. We are dedicated to hosting auspicious events to assist with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and raising the collective vibrations through fellowship and camaraderie. May we learn and teach in community, becoming firmly established in knowing that all is One. We welcome you to Kriya House, and are dedicated to spreading holistic practices for enlightenment. 

Donate Here


Participate & Collaborate!

If you are interested in displaying your artisan crafts or products at this or future events, please reach out! We welcome your art, jewelry, foods, goods, services, as well as any topics you would like to speak on! Any other questions, comments, or concerns, please…

Work With Us!

Upcoming Events

For a summary of our past events, please check us out on our past-events page dedicated to preserving memories.

Get in Touch

Please RSVP via the above contact form if you are particularly interested in a certain theme topic


  • The intersection of psychedelics, spirituality, Mystical Realms and extradimensional nonhuman intelligence.

Integration techniques for entheogenic experiences. Stories of spiritual transformation/evolution through contact. Meditation, UFO, and psychedelics and their intersection. Exploring the spiritual significance of mystical beings and cryptids. Stories and sightings of fairies, Sasquatch, yoga siddhis (bilocation and psychic phenomena), We invite participants to share personal experiences or folklore from their cultures. Presenter may speak of realm-hopping on his deep explorations with Salvia Divinorum, and the implication of dimensions as it relates to dream, deep-sleep, memory, and reality. Integration means softening the ‘ontological shock’ that may are experiencing through personal and global paradigm shifts. 

  • Non-Violent (compassionate) communication workshop and practice, Authentic Relating Games, and evolving through challenges of relating.

This workshop is an opportunity to learn and practice Non-Violent Communication protocols, and get practice identifying underlying feelings that point to fundamental needs. It seems straightforward, but it’s a revolutionary communication upgrade for your relationships. Receive empathy like you’ve never experienced before. Play some “Authentic Relating” games, where you connect beyond superificialities, through reflective listening, practicing vulnerabilities and honesty. 

  • Mystics across Time, Space, and Traditions

Exploring how mystics from different traditions and eras achieved spiritual breakthroughs. What all religion have in common. Teachings of yogis, shamans, sages, saints, and mystics. Tools they used, from fasting and meditation to entheogens. How these practices remain relevant today.

  • Healing Society through Permaculture & Strengthening Local Community

Celebrating the Earth as a source of spiritual and physical sustenance while discussing permaculture principles. Transforming urban spaces into natural havens. How we are building a compassionate, spiritually minded, eco-conscious community. Workshop on small-scale permaculture techniques


This image was generated by A.I. after a prompt asking it to make a picture representing GOD as the Geometry Of Dimensions. Isn’t this what psychedelics and nature essentially show us?